Indigenous Adventures is dedicated to the preservarion of their cultural identity and habitat.
The battle for the conservation of nature begins with the preservation of the people who since their very existence have coexisted in harmony with nature and have done so since their very existences.

About Us

Personal Statement
Living in the jungles of Indigenous Reserve of Talamanca since the end of September 2021, I’ve been looking for a way to combine my love for mountains and raw, uncut primordial jungle, as well as the search for origin stories and adventure, with the desire to help.

Indigeious Adventures
Indigenous Adventures is a private initiative brought into life to further and facilitate social and economical development in the Indigenous Reserve of Talamanca in the province of Limon, Costa Rica.

Mission Statement
Raise international awareness regarding the indigenous reserve of Talamanca, to highlight the beauty and richness that both the reserve itself, as well as the culture that reside within it have to offer. To convey challenges that both the Bribri and Cabecar.

Indigenous Experiences
For the 2018 International Coastal Cleanup in September, we will organize groups of volunteers to document and remove debris at a beach near them, as well as learn about the coastal environment.
An event organised by Ecologie Engo Solutions in partnership with Univer, Ealing council and the Mayor of the City which saw over 320 volunteers plant a total of 10,000 trees at King George’s Field, Southall.

Easy Ways to Help The People

Ways to Help

The house where different cultures meet
Ditsowo U is set in a beautiful natural surrounding on the banks of the Telire river and is to be found in the little village of Bambu, Talamanca on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. It’s offers a capacity of 200 people, all housed in open spaces as per ancestral tradition.